
MUD’s Eye-Opening Visit to Bonaisika, Wakenaam, and Hog Island: Addressing Neglect and Urgent Needs


The Movement for Unity and Democracy (MUD) embarked on a profound journey to Bonaisika, Wakenaam, and Hog Island, three areas in Guyana that have been grappling with significant challenges, ranging from limited access to safe drinking water and Internet connectivity to deficient infrastructure and educational opportunities. This visit served as a stark reminder of the pressing issues that have plagued these communities for years, highlighting the urgent need for government intervention and societal support, irrespective of political affiliation, gender, creed, religion, or race.

One of the most obvious difficulties observed during the visit was the lack of safe drinking water. Residents in these locations frequently struggle to find clean, potable water, resulting in health risks and a lower quality of life. Water scarcity is still a daily issue, and many families are forced to rely on dangerous alternatives, endangering their health even further. In these areas, basic infrastructure such as roads, electricity supply, emergency and municipal services are frequently absent. Transportation is difficult and inconsistent due to potholed roads, and power outages impair daily living. The lack of sufficient infrastructure not only impacts the quality of life of people, but it also impedes economic growth and potential in these places.

MUD has noted the high youth unemployment rates and the lack of meaningful job creation opportunities were also prevalent issues on our visit. The young generation in these areas faces a future plagued by limited prospects, stalling personal and community development. MUD recognizes the importance of investing in job training programs, entrepreneurship initiatives, and sustainable economic development to empower the youth and invigorate the local economies.

The Movement underscore the importance of Universal access to quality education is a cornerstone for progress and social mobility. The lack of adequate educational facilities and resources further promtes the marginalization of these communities. MUD firmly believes that every child, regardless of their geographical location, deserves access to a quality education. We will advocate for the improvement of educational infrastructure, teacher training, and the provision of necessary resources to ensure that no child is left behind.

It is disheartening to note that these communities have experienced years of neglected by the governments and little to no major investments has been made in these areas, which has led to their current state of deprivation. MUD calls upon the government to recognize its responsibility to all Guyanese citizens and to prioritize the welfare and development of these marginalized areas. Political affiliations should not dictate the allocation of resources or support for these communities.

The visit to Bonaisika, Wakenaam, and Hog Island has shed light on the challenges that residents face daily. MUD is committed to working tirelessly to advocate for better infrastructure, access to essential services, job opportunities, and educational prospects for these communities. We emphasize that all Guyanese, regardless of their background, deserve equal opportunities and support from their government. Our mission is to ensure that these communities receive the attention and assistance they urgently need to thrive and contribute to the prosperity of Guyana as a whole. Together, we can build a more inclusive and prosperous nation for all.



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