
Empowering the Future: The Movement’s Summer Program on Wakenaam Island – Essequibo River


Nestled in the picturesque beauty of the Wakenaam Islands, The Movement embarked on a transformative journey to conduct a Summer Program aimed at character building and moral development among the island’s children. Guided by the principles of the Six Pillars of Character Counts, this outreach initiative sought to empower the youth of Wakenaam with essential life skills and values that would shape them into responsible and compassionate individuals.

The Six Pillars of Character Counts:

  1. Trustworthiness
  2. Respect
  3. Responsibility
  4. Fairness
  5. Caring
  6. Citizenship

Trustworthiness: The first pillar, trustworthiness, was instilled through activities like teamwork challenges, where children learned to rely on each other, building trust within the group. Honesty and integrity were reinforced through open discussions about the importance of keeping one’s word and being dependable.

Respect: Respect for oneself and others was at the core of the program. Workshops on diversity and inclusion fostered an environment where the children appreciated and embraced differences. By respecting each other’s opinions and backgrounds, they learned the value of empathy and acceptance.

Responsibility: Teaching responsibility was not just about completing chores but also understanding the consequences of their actions. Children took part in community clean-up drives, reinforcing their role in preserving the beauty of their island home. They also learned about environmental conservation and the importance of taking responsibility for the planet.

Fairness: Fairness was explored through discussions on equality and justice. Children debated real-world issues and brainstormed solutions, developing a sense of fairness that extended beyond their immediate surroundings. They also participated in games that emphasized the importance of following rules and treating everyone equitably.

Caring: The pillar of caring was cultivated through acts of kindness and empathy. Children were encouraged to participate in community service projects, such as visiting the elderly and helping those in need. This not only taught them compassion but also the joy that comes from making a positive impact on others’ lives.

Citizenship: The final pillar, citizenship, was embodied through discussions on community involvement and civic responsibility. The children were taught about their rights and responsibilities as citizens of their country and island. They discussed how they could contribute positively to their community and take pride in being responsible citizens.

The Movement’s Summer Program on Wakenaam Islands was not just a program; it was a transformative experience that instilled the values of trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship in the hearts of the island’s children. Through interactive workshops, community involvement, and meaningful discussions, the youth of Wakenaam were empowered to become the leaders of tomorrow, equipped with the character and moral values needed to make a positive impact on their community and the world at large. This outreach initiative not only built character but also sowed the seeds of a brighter and more compassionate future for the Wakenaam Islands.


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