
PRESS RELEASE – Guyana/Venezuela Border Controversy

(Georgetown, Guyana) The Movement for Unity and Democracy heard the pleas of the people of Guyana, and we are calling on the government:
1. To address the ongoing border dispute with the Guyanese living in the areas of contention. The continued silence on this issue has left the public in a state of anxiety, and it is vital that the government take decisive action to rebuild confidence in its ability to address this matter.
2. M.UD calls on the government to strengthen its commitment to support the Guyana Defense Force in defending our nation’s borders. The Government must also ensure that our National Assembly is ready to appropriate the necessary funding to provide resources to support the efforts of our brave men and women on the front lines who are protecting our country’s territorial integrity. The Movement stands resolute and unwavering by Guyanese, civil society, and political parties for the government to maintain open and transparent communication with the public during this difficult time to rebuild trust, which would boost public confidence.
3. M.U.D. urges residents of the Essequibo region to stay informed, stay connected, and stay prepared. We must foster a spirit of readiness so we can ensure the safety and well-being of our fellow citizens. This is a time for unity and resilience, and M.U.D. encourages residents to support one another and work together to navigate these challenging circumstances.
4. M.U.D also calls upon the government to develop and communicate a comprehensive evacuation plan and to immediately begin setting up displacement and communities to house new arrivals in the event of any aggression or escalation of tensions. Having a well-defined and transparent evacuation strategy is essential for ensuring the orderly and safe relocation of residents, should the need arise.
5. Call to have financial and material resources (food, clothing, materials for shelters, beds, cooking utensils, etc.) made available for all communities in the event of isolation. These communities can have access to the resources already there.
6. Calls on the government to immediately develop policies to build nationalism and patriotism, since bad things should come to worse, and in the study of military conquests of populations, the proverbial fifth column is the people who retain, preserve, and repatriate all that informs nationalism and patriotism, so while an invading nation will have boots on the ground, it will not be able to immediately or successfully coerce the conquered nation to abandon its national identity.
7. To foster unity and inclusivity, concerned citizens are urging the government to rethink the use of politically-geared slogans when addressing national security matters across the media. By adopting a language that transcends political affiliations, we aim to create an environment where individuals, regardless of their political stance, feel empowered to fully support initiatives crucial to national security. This appeal for a depoliticized discourse on national security matters is not only a call for unity but also a recognition of the shared responsibility we all bear in ensuring the safety and security of our communities.
8. In the spirit of unity and faith, we call upon all religious leaders across Guyana to join hands and hearts in a momentous and unified prayer for our nation. Inspired by the scripture in Deuteronomy 28:7 that declares, “The Lord will grant that the enemies who rise up against you will be defeated before you. They will come at you from one direction but flee from you in seven,” we believe in the power of collective prayer to bring about positive change. Recognising the challenges that our beloved nation faces, we invite religious leaders from all denominations and communities to come together, transcending boundaries and differences, to pray in unison. The time has come for us to unite in our faith and seek divine intervention for the well-being and prosperity of Guyana.
9. We extend this call not only to religious leaders but to all Guyanese citizens, urging everyone to embrace a spirit of repentance and to heed the voice of God in our prayers. Let us set aside our differences, join hands, and collectively seek the guidance and protection of the Almighty for our nation.
God bless Guyana!

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