
Respect Our Teachers!


Statement by the Movement on the victorious decision by Justice Sandil Kissoon 

by The Office of the General Secretary

The Movement welcomes the ruling by Justice Sandil Kissoon affirming the legality and legitimacy of the strike undertaken by our esteemed teachers and their union. This landmark decision not only upholds the rights of our educators but also highlights the egregious behavior exhibited by the government throughout this ordeal.

For five long weeks, our teachers stood firm in their commitment to fair treatment and just compensation, while facing relentless bullying tactics from the government. Despite their best efforts to discredit the strike through failed PR campaigns, the Ministry of Education only succeeded in exposing their own shortcomings and lack of regard for the hardworking individuals shaping our nation’s future.

The government has adopted a dictatorial behavior and resulting in it’s inability to address major issues facing our education system and the country at large have been glaringly evident, particularly in their mishandling of the teachers’ strike. The cabinet’s disregard for the legitimate grievances of our educators only serves to underscore their detachment from the needs of the people they are meant to serve.

It is evident that the welfare of our teachers is at stake, and it is crucial for the government to prioritize their well-being above any political considerations.

Justice Kissoon’s decision was a step towards acknowledging the challenges faced by our teachers and ensuring they receive the support and recognition they deserve. The Government’s decision to appeal this ruling, shows that they are more focused on scoring political points rather than addressing the genuine concerns of educators and demonstrate their disrespect for the court’s time.

Our teachers play a vital role in shaping the future of our nation, and it is imperative that we provide them with the necessary resources and support to excel in their profession. Upholding Justice Kissoon’s ruling would not only demonstrate a commitment to the welfare of our teachers but also to the principles of justice and fairness.

We urge the government to reconsider its decision and to act in the best interest of our teachers and the education system as a whole. Let us work together to create an environment where our educators feel valued, supported, and motivated to continue their important work.

As a movement, we stand in solidarity with our teachers and vow to rectify and provide representation to the ill wills perpetuated by this administration. Our teachers deserve not only respect but also the support and resources necessary to fulfill their vital role in shaping the next generation.

Today’s ruling is a victory for justice and a testament to the resilience of our educators. We will continue to fight alongside them until their rights are fully recognized and honored.




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