
M.U.D was well received by the people of Ithaca


By the Public Relations Unit (MUD)

On Sunday, June 2, 2024, the Movement for Unity and Democracy (MUD) held its first campaign meeting for the upcoming general and regional elections in the vibrant community of Ithaca, located in the Mahaica-Berbice region. This initial gathering highlighted the growing interest in MUD’s vision for a more inclusive and prosperous Guyana. Ms. Tracey Bancroft, Chief Public Relations Representative chaired the meeting.

Lynn Medford, the President of MUD, opened the meeting with an inspiring speech focused on the importance of inclusive decision-making. She emphasized the need for residents to have a direct say in the policies that affect their daily lives. Medford laid out a comprehensive plan for the restoration of Ithaca’s agriculture sector, which she described as the backbone of the community. “Our agricultural heritage is something we must cherish and revitalize,” Medford stated. “She noted that by investing in upskills training and job creation, we can ensure that our community not only survives but thrives.” Medford’s remarks were met with enthusiastic applause, reflecting the community’s support for sustainable agricultural development and local empowerment.

Following Medford, General Secretary Denzel St Hill delivered a powerful speech that addressed several critical issues facing Guyana. He began by advocating for Guyanese citizens to have direct access to the nation’s burgeoning oil and gas revenues. St Hill underscored the need for sustainable and effective policies to combat the rising cost of living and to improve the nation’s infrastructure. General Secretary St. Hill highlighted the neglect teachers face at the hands of our leaders, urging leaders within the National Assembly to show greater respect for teachers. “Teachers are the foundation of our education system,” he asserted. “They deserve fair compensation, as they are the ones who educated both government and opposition leaders.”

In a bold move, he also called for a shift away from dependency on government handouts, advocating instead for equitable distribution of revenues and the upliftment of Guyanese out of poverty regardless of their political affiliations. He denounced the current “winner-takes-all” electoral system and called for a revision of National Assembly representation to ensure a more equitable distribution of power.

In his closing remarks, he made a rallying cry for the residents of Ithaca and all of Guyana. “The Movement for Unity and Democracy is committed to fighting for the people’s right to wholesome development,” he declared. “Power lies with the people, and it is crucial that we do not give up our votes easily in 2025 without first analyzing what is truly at stake: our representation.”

The meeting concluded with a sense of optimism and determination, as residents voiced their support for MUD’s platform and its commitment to addressing the needs of the community.

Looking Forward

As the election campaign progresses, MUD aims to build on the momentum generated in Ithaca. The focus on inclusive decision-making, agricultural, sustainable economic policies, and fair representation has resonated deeply with the people. The Movement for Unity and Democracy is poised to make a significant impact in the upcoming elections, promising a brighter future for all Guyanese citizens. With strong leadership and a clear vision, MUD is set to transform the political landscape of Guyana, ensuring that every citizen has a voice and a stake in the nation’s prosperity.

The meeting saw several other senior members of the Movement in attendance.



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