


The Movement for Unity and Democracy marked a significant moment in its history as Ms. Lynn Medford was appointed as the President. This decision followed the order of transition and succession outlined in the Movement’s constitution, where Ms. Medford had previously served as the First Vice President. The meeting, attended by Executive Members, carefully deliberated on the transition process and recognised Ms. Medford’s dedication and contributions to the Movement. Ms. Medford, a young black woman and a single mother, brings a fresh perspective to the political arena, challenging traditional norms. What distinguishes her is not political experience but an unwavering dedication to promoting human welfare and social reforms.

Coming from the grassroots, where 70% of Guyanese live below the poverty line, Ms. Medford symbolises the average citizen who can catalyse significant change. Her narrative is one of empowerment and upliftment, a testament to the belief that anyone, regardless of background, can make a substantial impact. As Ms. Medford steps into her role, she emphasizes the importance of crafting a media image that resonates with the Movement’s ideals. This entails presenting a face that captures social acceptance aligned with MUD’s manifesto. It is not merely about political maneuvering but about embodying the values and principles that MUD stands for.

Ms. Medford recognises that the impact of the campaign extends beyond community work and social platforms. The personal lives of the Movement’s leaders play a crucial role in demonstrating the authenticity of their policies. Living out these principles in private life becomes a shield against potential detractors, guarding against the attacks of trolls. For Ms. Medford, MUD is not just a political movement; it’s a way of life—one that she embodies in both public and private spheres, reinforcing the sincerity and integrity of the Movement’s mission.

The Movement Executive Council’s members are Ms. Lynn Medford, President; Mr. Fazal Hamid, Second Vice President; Mr. Denzel St Hill, General Secretary; Ms. Nazia Mohamed, Treasurer; Ms. Marcia Lewis, Assistant General Secretary; Mr. Brad Singh, Assistant Treasurer; Mr. Keron Bruce, Executive Member; and Mr. Telroy Mc Almont, Executive Member. The Executive Council is supported by the Committees of the Movement and will soon be the General Council.


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