

The Movement for Unity and Democracy affirms and proclaims its
fundamental belief in the commitment to the following philosophy
and principles:

(I) That the political movement is still the best medium through
which the people of Guyana should have political power
secured and used in their name.

(II) That while public policy should aim to improve the lot of all
citizens in the society, the content of that policy should always
reflect a commitment to solve particularly the problem of
youth, labour, women, the aged, the disabled, the unemployed,
small businesses and such other disadvantaged groups as may
from time-to-time surface in Guyana.

(III) That the sound, orderly and rapid development of Guyana and
its people in the shortest possible time is the prime impulse of
the Movement for Unity and Democracy.

(IV) That the people of Guyana constitute its greatest asset, since it
is people who make development possible, who work, save and
invest, who actively contribute to the production of goods and
services, who influence productivity, who generate cultural
products, and who build and shape efficient and effective

(V) That under God each individual has intrinsic worth, and should
be enabled across his life span to achieve self-fulfillment and
the full extent of his potential.

(VI) That each individual should have access to adequate and
affordable educational, health, housing, cultural and
recreational opportunities, and that appropriate knowledge,
skills, aptitude and attitudes should be inculcated so that each
individual would be well aware of his or her civic rights, duties
and responsibilities.

(VII) That the people of Guyana should enjoy full democratic
freedom and liberties, including full political, social, cultural,
religious, civil, economic and human rights, and that the rule of
law should prevail.

(VIII) That the development of an open democratic society based on
effective, representative institutions, formed from among the
citizens through fair and free elections is the best guarantee,
and for social consciousness.

(IX) That political power should be used to secure the evolution of a
more just society in which the contributions to and rewards
from the society are made on the basis of equal opportunity,
merit and ability.

(X) That the productive resources of Guyana, namely land, labour,
capital, technology and management should be so mobilized as
to create wealth, protect and promote a sound economy within
the global context, and to provide over time rising output,
increasing employment opportunities, relatively stable prices, a
stable exchange rate, and rising standards of living.

(XI) That the instrument of economic policy and economic activity
should serve the needs not of a privileged few but of all
inhabitants, in a new and more caring economic and social
order; and that the concepts of economic enfranchisement
should be utilized to create the greatest measure of social
betterment, to eliminate untenable imbalances and disparities,
to improve the distribution of income and wealth, and to
eradicate the remaining pockets of poverty.

(XII) That sustainable development and protection of the
environment are key concepts for achieving the social and
economic well-being of the people of Guyana.

(XIII) That the effective creation and distribution of wealth in Guyana
is dependent upon the furtherance of mixed market economy
characterized by:
a) A vibrant profit-oriented private sector;
b) An impartial, efficient and responsible public sector;
c) A tempering of the profit motive by social commitment;
d) The widest possible distribution of shares and financial and
other assets among the inhabitants so that a much wider
pool of individuals and groups can have a stake in the
operation of the economy;
e) A harmonious balance between the interest of capital and
labour; and
f) Effective and timely public sector intervention to correct
market failures

(XIV) That the right, freedoms and aspirations of the inhabitants of
Guyana can best be sustained under the strong, affordable
regime of law, order and national security which acts as a
bulwark against illegal and unjust challenges either from within
or without.

(XV) That a sound labour relations climate should be maintained at
all times through any or all of the following means:
a) Support for progressive labour legislation;
b) Encouragement of workers to join and participate in the
activities of trade unions which are democratically
organized, properly run, financially sound, and genuinely
dedicated to the timely interests of the workers;
c) The creation of good working conditions;
d) The maintenance of an equitable system of wages, hours of
work, holidays and other fringe benefits;
e) Promotion of the processes of collective bargaining through
employers’ organizations on the one hand and workers’
organizations on the other;
f) The establishment and maintenance of machinery for the
conciliation and arbitration of disputes.

(XVI) That the conditions for a more meaningful, constructive and
representative democracy at the community and constituency
level should be created by strengthening the role of Members
of Parliament at that level, thereby ensuring a greater
involvement in the responsiveness to the interest of societal
groups such as families, youth groups, churches, clubs,
organizations and associations.

(XVII) That an appropriate framework for the maximum possible
cooperation and integration among CARICOM peoples and
states should be devised in recognition of the common threads
of history, culture, economic situations, and aspirations of the
people of the region.

(XVIII) That the people of Guyana should participate in regional,
hemispheric or worldwide meetings and organizations in
pursuit of the goal of world peace, democracy, international
understanding and economic justice among nations.

(XIX) That the integrity of the nation is entirely dependent upon the
integrity of the individual and group within it, and that every
effort should be made to inculcate virtuous behavior among
the youth and adult of our nation through the acceptance and
practice of civic, moral and religious values.

(XX) That honesty and responsibility in public life should be secured
and maintained at all times, and that graft and corruption,
wherever they may exist, should be rooted out by every
constitutional means.

(XXI) That the scourges of poverty, ignorance, disease and other
afflictions should be eliminated from the face of the nation, and
that disadvantaged and vulnerable groups, as well as groups
which are being discriminated against, should be empowered
to put an end to their disabilities.

(XXII) That sporting, artistic, cultural and intellectual pursuits
contribute significantly to the growth of the nation, and that
consistent support should be given to such efforts.